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Mondial09 ou est le YC La Rochelle ?

ParPeter- Posté le16 septembre 2008

Bonjour Fireballistes

J'ai parler avec mes copains a Staunton Harold SC de le splendide championnat a Notre Dame. Je espere que il y a quinze fireballs de SHSC a le Mondial09 a La Rochelle. Le premier question, ou est le YC de La Rochelle ? Et ou est les parcours ?

C'est vrai ?

Société Régates Rochelaises
Môle central des Minimes
17000 La Rochelle

Tel. :
Fax :


Google maps ?


Peter Slack (13951 Outback Dingoes)


Hi Peter,

we will for sure be very happy to see so many boats from your club attending the 2009 World Championship.

Your adress is exact, so as the link to SRR website, but the link to Google maps seems incorrect. Here is another one :

I'm afraid it's a bit early to know where exactly the races will take place, but we'll let you know asap.

Best regards


Hi Sylvain,

Thank you for your reply, it is very useful to have the location confirmed. So now we just need accomodation for 40 people ! Do known anyone with a large tent :)



Hi Peter,

I take care of the ladies.
Now you need a much smaller tent.

oui c bien l'adresse de la srr de la rochelle au minimes


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